Monday, May 12, 2008

THE *purple* man 1

Unending instructions;a couple of hmmms';and haans' he turned towards me and smiled.

I was mad. Nah not because he was on the call or that we had had a fight. Nothing of that sort. (Yeah I can get mad at someone for smiling.) It seemed fake! The very intuitive response was held right there, he said what! - I felt like saying... 'dont know..' but kept quite. the smell of caffeine changed alot of things...

The next day I was reading 'the memory editor' - one of the stories from Tokyo Cancelled by Rana Dasgupta. It reads, there would be a day when we would forget everything about us and so we would need these electronic database to remind us of what we were.. etc etc... I was wondering if I would remember this smile. and frankly although it made me really mad at that time that is probably one of the things I would want to... like to remember.

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